
Tuesday, June 2, 2009


by Susan Cameron

I know, I know, it's June 2. Nevertheless...


We crunch through the autumn woods near the cider mill,
laughing at our Labrador whirling through the leaves.
He caroms like a pinball from tree to tree to tree,
sniffing each and marking each as male dogs will.

So many trees, so little time! His tank is running dry.
He slurps some icy water from the noisy, rushing stream,
and, refreshed and refilled, pursues his doggy dream
of dominance and empire. He raises his leg high.

We laugh, and our breath makes clouds in the cold
that vanish in a heartbeat. "Want some more cider?
Another doughnut? A kiss?" Our spirits grow lighter
with happiness as we wander these woods of brown and gold.

Watch the swirling leaves body-surfing in the breeze,
the sun-sparkled icy streams tumbling toward the lake,
the furry squirrels skittering and chattering as they make
their storehouse preparations for the winter's long freeze.

I'm not afraid of winter. Happy memories of days like this
I've squirreled away like acorns to see me through
a lonely, hungry season -- but I'd rather share with you.
Now give me more sweet cider, and your even sweeter kiss.

Susan Cameron, copyright 1999


  1. I could see your male dog so vividly sniffing each tree.

  2. Ah, Fall, the only season I miss as a transplanted Chicagoan in California.

  3. Susie,

    You never cease to delight me with your fresh insights and images. This poem is just downright fun!

  4. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely! Lady, you are a wonderful poet. Where and why have you been hiding this all this time? I printed it off and posted on the wall by my computer.

  5. I love the diversity of your work, Susie - and I love the diversity and voices that unite to make this blog. Such a collaborative effort. Cool.
    Many thanks for sharing.

  6. Wonderful! This is a fantastic genre for you!
