Scientology Strikes Again
by Nancy Grossman-Samuel
The Church of Scientology sent me a Parishioner Statement on
Saturday. It has a balance due for training of $1.50.
I’m not sure what I’ve been trained on unless it’s how to
not answer a call from a number that I don’t know. I did take classes from them
way back in the 70s, but since then, and up until about three years or so ago,
our relationship has been mercifully silent. Then they started to call and no
matter how many times I tell them I am not interested, they try to talk me into
believing that I am missing out.
I dutifully throw out every piece of mail I get from them
whether it is a mass mailing or a personal letter, but I opened up this invoice
because I thought – “What the hell??? An invoice for WHAT?!?!?…” and then
realized they had to do something to get a response from me – so I put a nice
handwritten note on the invoice and am mailing it back. My “nice” note, which
really IS nice says “Have no idea what this is for, so I assume it has
something to do with the enclosed video – so please accept it back with my
complements, Nancy.”
After a call years ago, a young woman named Brittany sent me a video
that I was told I really MUST watch about how the materials of the church had
been changed illegally and how the things I was taught were so very wrong and
how I had been treated was also wrong, but now everything was right. Briefly,
the way they “lost” me was that I got badgered, after taking a class with them,
to join the Sea Organization – the main brainwashing branch of the church. I
had just finished giving a rousing speech after having graduated from one of
their self-directed classes – everyone got to get up and talk after they
graduated – and because it was such a wonderful talk (I am assuming), they
decided I had great skill as a future Scientology brainwasher!
It took them 3 hours of talking and cajoling but I signed
the papers. What was I thinking? Obviously, I was NOT thinking.
I went up north to “say goodbye” to my friends and family –
or at least that is how it felt, and through a series of events decided NOT to go
back to Scientology at all. Surprisingly, but thankfully, they never called or wrote to find out what
happened to me, and for about 5 years I could not even drive by the building
where I’d taken the classes.
Back to the video – I watched about 45 minutes of it and
decided that I couldn't care less and it wasn't at all compelling or
interesting to me. I called Brittany back and told her as
much. After what was probably a very nice and civil conversation I think she
asked if she could call in the future, and moron me said “yes.”
I now wonder If I’d just said “FUCK NO AND DON’T YOU EVER
CALL ME AGAIN!!!” if I would have been relieved of this monkey on my back!
Along with the video I included a letter that says:
“Please stop sending me mail and calling me. I appreciate
that you think pursuing the teachings of Scientology is a wonderful option
for me. Please trust me enough to tell you that I am not interested,
and know that the more you send me mail and call me, the more badgered I feel, the more
resentful and angry I feel, and the less I want ANYTHING to do with Scientology.
If I knew how, or if it were worth my time to find out how
to do it, I would just block your phone numbers, but it’s easier just not to
answer any calls from phone numbers I do not know, or that actually say The
Church of Scientology.
I really don’t know how I can be any clearer. If I choose at some point in the future to pursue
Scientological learnings, I know where to find you.
Thank you in advance for respecting my wishes and taking me
off your mailing lists and phone call lists.
Nancy Grossman Samuel
P.S. The latest person who has been calling is Phil (note: I
don’t want to get sued, so I’m not including his whole name here). Please
include him in this communication. “
The interesting thing about Phil is that he called me after
I told Brittany to back off. He called because he figured that Brittany had not
been clear enough in her communication to make me understand what she was
saying. Did he really think that that was a great opening comment?!?!? My
initial reaction was “Please tell Brittany that I will never call her again and
that she had better never call me again.” He tried to convince me of the wonder
and fabulousness of Scientology and getting him off the phone was like trying
to pull off a blood sucking creature. I assumed he would not call me back, but
alas, he has, but I have not answered. He sounds almost desperate in his messages.
I wonder if they are whipping these people for not getting me back into the
fold. If I somehow disappear some day, don't rule out kidnapping! These people are like ants. They show like an army of ants with
their calls and letters, and unfortunately I have yet to find a P&M Pest
Control for Scientologists. Perhaps I need to learn how to be effectively rude.
What really worries me is how bent out of shape I feel when
I get these calls and letters. I don’t know why I can’t just laugh it off as I
throw away the letters and not answer the calls. What worries me is what it
might mean that I am so reactive. Does it mean that I SHOULD go back and take
classes? What if they’re right? What if there is something there for me? Am I
really that insecure that I think maybe my answer lies within their
unsavory walls?
I’d better get myself a life that really does feel
fulfilling and wonderful and do it quickly before I do something really stupid.
"What worries me is what it might mean that I am so reactive." What worries ME is that YOU are worried about what it might mean that you are so being harassed, to being stalked, to having your wishes ignored, to being manipulated and mindfucked. What your reactiveness means is that you've still got some shreds of self-esteem that haven't been thoroughly destroyed yet. OF COURSE you feel bent out of shape when you get more calls and letters; normal people feel that way when they're being fucked with.
ReplyDeleteHowever, since I'm hearing a cry for help from you, and since Iyam what Iyam and that's all what Iyam, you're going to get my unsolicited advice -- what else is new, right? :)
YOU need to stop. Stop sending them letters when you get a letter. Stop calling them to tell them to stop calling you. Stop watching videos they send you, stop mailing them back, and stop calling them back to discuss them, and stop writing to them to tell them to stop sending them. YOU need to stop. Just. Fucking. Stop. Stop being polite. Stop being friendly. And yes,"FUCK NO AND DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME AGAIN!!!" is a perfectly fine, rational response sometimes. This is one of those times.
The thing is, you're so used to being bullied that you think it's normal. The Scientologists aren't the only ones who need to be told to fuck off.
(But not me, because I know what's best for you! Hahahahahaha!)
You absolutely DO NOT NEED these people or their classes. Do not even for one second doubt your own feelings and intuition about this harassment--and it is harassment, do not be confused about that. It is brainwashing and relies on those techniques that professionals use to break down prisoners of war. You are not a prisoner of war. And yes, sometimes it is necessary to be rude when being nice does not work. So be rude and get rid of these people. Block their numbers, get a restraining order, whatever you have to do to feel safe. Because underlying all of this, I get a very queasy feeling that you do not feel safe and their badgering is beginning to wear you down. Do NOT give in. Be rude and cut them off and know that you are DOING THE RIGHT THING>
ReplyDeleteThe Susans are absolutely right. I can only add one thing in regard to Scientologists: as Monty Python says, "Run away! Run away!"
ReplyDeleteThe Susans are absolutely right. I can only add one thing in regard to Scientologists: as Monty Python says, "Run away! Run away!"