
Monday, July 12, 2010

And the Work Begins Again

Old habits sneak back in
Excuses at the ready
Forgetting forgetting
What was it that I wanted?
I turn my back for just a minute
And they find their way
Through the cracks of least resistance.

There are still so many cracks

Two years of pulling weeds
And love and miracle grow and the weeds
Take it all out
But that is harsh. It isn’t really all gone – just a little gone.
Is the remembering just part of what
It takes to get it back?
Is the self-flagellation more destructive
Than the weed itself?
The weed can be pulled.

A garden never tends to itself but will become wild
Once again when untended.

And so the work continues.


  1. Always the work continues, and as long as we keep working, keep tending the garden, beautiful flowers will grace our world. The trick is finding joy in the work and remembering the prize we're working toward. Wonderful food for thought, Nancy.

  2. (forgetting forgetting)...Where was I when this was posted? :) Pulling the weeds doesn't seem so bad when you realize they make you see the flowers close up! I liked this post a lot, Nancy. Thanks.
