
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Belated Happy Mother's Day!

by Susan Cameron

I spent almost two blissful weeks away from newspapers, TV news, and even -- gasp! -- the internet, so this Mother's Day offering (inspired by Heather, a fellow writing student) is a tad belated. Nevertheless...


My breasts were once firm mountain peaks
but now they're two balloons with leaks.
My thighs were strong and hard as rock
but now they jiggle as I walk.
My stomach flat, once wafer-thin,
has rolls of fat where none had been.
My stretch-marked skin, once smooth and silky,
maps the way to Albuquerque.

'Til I had you, I used to preen
before my mirror. A beauty queen --
Superficial, shallow, vain.
My body's loss was my soul's gain.
In giving life, mine got its start.
I lost my shape and found my heart.
Back then I didn't have a clue.
I know what love is, thanks to you.

Susan Cameron, copyright 1999 or so :-)


  1. I love that poem. Never heard it before, but so true.

  2. I LOVE this!!! I'm going to share it with everyone I know!!!

    P.S. Think about sending this to Parenting magazine or Reader's Digest

  3. Susie, you are a terrific poet. You've kept this talent hidden from us all this time--more, more, more.
