
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Rant on Writing by Nancy Grossman-Samuel

Why is it that it takes 6 weeks of hard core dieting and watching everything that goes into my mouth to lose 10 pounds, but less than half that time to find those vacationing pounds and have them comfortably park themselves back on my quickly expanding body?

Why is it that sometimes I have the will power of the titans and other times behave like a voracious non-thinking organism who can eat non-stop from morning till evening.

And why is it I can write for 10 minutes at a stretch relatively easily and as many times as we decide to when I’m with my Peeps in our writing group, but put me alone at my desk with hours to spare and I will do everything but write (well, not everything – mostly eat and play games, though I do sometimes actually accomplish things I need to get done).

It’s amazing how many times I've made deals with myself only to break them. I get up in the morning and tell myself today is the day I will spend an hour writing, but by noon and certainly by 6:00pm, that resolution or decision is toast even though I continually perseverate on it in my head.

Truly, my self-trust level is into the ‘I’d freeze if it were a temperature’ level – and I don’t mean get a little frost bite – I mean full on frozen on impact.

I wonder if the truth is that I really don’t want to write, but if that is true, why do I keep trying to do it or at least keep trying to talk myself into doing it, and why does every psychic I've ever gone to tell me I should be writing?

I love the IDEA of writing. I LOVE the idea. But I don’t love the action, usually, unless I’m on a roll. Truth be told, I really have nothing to say – my life has been relatively boring and mild and I have little in my past to call upon. I don’t have the crazy childhood and life of a Jeannette Walls or the crazy wonderful imagination of a J.K. Rowling. I like to pretend that I do. I wish I did, but I don’t, and it’s frustrating, and I would love to be talented like that. I would love to have ideas just pouring into my head from the great somewhere and out onto my keyboard or paper.

I recently went to a talk at South Coast Rep before going to see their main stage play Rest. I listened with rapt attention and obsessive interest to Michael Roth talk about soundscaping and composing for the play and I heard him say, and this just hit to the core of me – I heard him say that if he could do anything at all, he’d just sit in his room and compose.

God how I wish that were me. How I wish that there was so much alive inside of me that wanted to come out that all I wanted to do was fill up notebook after notebook with ideas and thoughts and characters and situations. I am constantly in awe of bookstores and libraries. They are filled with the results of people whose passion for writing just won’t let up.

I love reading great writing and by great, I am not in the nose in the air camp that says that it has to be Chekhov to be good. It can be Stephen King, or Robert Craise, Fanny Flagg, or Jeannette Walls, or dozens and dozens of other people with a story to tell who tell it with authenticity, passion, and, often, humor.

I love a good story. I would also love to be known for telling a good story and there is a part of me that will never give up hoping that I can turn out a story that makes people laugh or tear up or at least feel something. So, like the Barenaked Ladies say in “Odds Are,”

“So get up, get up
No it’s never gonna let up
So you might as well sing along”

And I will keep writing or thinking about writing, even if it kills me.


  1. More ideas pour out of you than any other person I have ever known, Miss Nancy. Maybe you should stop trying to corral them and just let them run around wild and free for a while, before you tame them.

  2. I don't think I'd even try to tame them - that would make me crazier than I am. I just wish that once in a while I could have a train of thought that stays there for a while - I think an entire novel of brain jumping would be exhausting for me and anyone who tried to read it! But thank you - You make my heart happy!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. You just keep on writing because you have to.

  4. Nancy, I love the way your mind works. It's so creative and spontaneous and I think you should quit dissing it and embrace it. I love the associations that pour out of you in a tumble like a waterfall. Instead of trying to tame it, use it. When you sit down to write, choose a prompt like we do at B&N and just let it loose. It doesn't matter if it's focused, just let it go. Then go back and look for a little kernel or an idea or a character that you can focus on and write about that.You are one of the most creative people I know.

  5. There isn't anything I can add -- you're incredibly creative, and you have never had writer's block in your life! Stop criticizing yourself! It's probably the editing that jams you up, not the writing, and most folks struggle with that. In any case, a problem's usually just a problem, not a character flaw! Just keep writing and tell the critical voice in your head to STFU. We love you and your torrent of words!
